James M. Stein, DMD

Uses for Dental Mouth Guards

May 30, 2013 @ 06:00 PM — by James Stein
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Tmj Teeth Grinding

Most patients have not used a mouth guard. However, that does not mean that these patients would not benefit from the use of a dental mouth guard. Few people realize the variety of uses for dental mouth guards. At Dr. James M. Stein’s Boston cosmetic dentistry practice, mouth guards are often recommended to patients as a form of protection for the teeth or as treatment for a physical condition. The custom-made mouth guards that are provided by Dr. Stein are not only effective; they are also the most comfortable and well-fitted mouth guards available. Custom-made dental mouth guards are superior to over-the-counter mouth guards in each of the following uses:

Additional Treatments

While a dental mouth guard can be extremely effective in preventing and treating these conditions, additional treatments may also be recommended. Some of these conditions, such as teeth grinding and TMJ disorder, may also be affected by teeth that are out of line. For patients in Boston, dental crowns can be applied to damaged teeth in order to improve the alignment of the teeth.

Schedule an Appointment

If, having read more about the uses of dental mouth guards, a patient feels that he or she may make a good candidate for a dental mouth guard, schedule an appointment with Dr. James M. Stein to learn more. Dr. Stein is happy to fit patients with a dental mouth guard that can comfortably protect the teeth and prevent other dental conditions.