James M. Stein, DMD

Bad Breath Causes and Treatment

May 1, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by James Stein
Tagged with: Bad Breath Tooth Decay Gum Disease

Bad breath, or halitosis, is something that no one wants to deal with. While it has no visual markers, it can make social interactions difficult and shatter your confidence. But bad breath in all of its forms can be treated. James M. Stein, DMD, is able to offer bad breath treatment options at his Boston dentistry practice, helping patients determine the cause of their halitosis so they can follow an effective treatment plan.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Bad Breath?

There are many different issues that can cause bad breath, but there are a few origins that tend to show up more frequently:

There are several other possible causes that could be a contributing factor to bad breath, ranging from mundane explanations like food stuck between teeth to serious issues such as oral cancer. An experienced cosmetic dentist is your best bet toward identifying the issue in order to develop a plan of attack.

What Are My Bad Breath Treatment Options?

Treating bad breath effectively requires accurately identifying and treating the source of bad breath. Because bad breath can have several different causes, there are also several different treatments that can be effective at eliminating halitosis. For example, if it turns out that your bad breath is caused by:

Learn More about Your Options for Treating Bad Breath Today

When you know the cause of bad breath, treatment becomes that much easier. If you are suffering from bad breath, don’t go it alone. Contact the office of Dr. James M. Stein at Stein Esthetics to schedule an appointment today and learn more about what you can do to treat bad breath symptoms and get rid of the problem for good.