James M. Stein, DMD

Types of Dentures

Sep 7, 2012 @ 08:21 AM — by James Stein
Tagged with: Full Dentures Partial Dentures Missing Teeth Dental Implants

If you are missing multiple teeth, it can have a major impact on the appearance of your smile as well as your ability to eat certain foods. In addition to these issues, many people who are missing multiple teeth experience speech impediments, have problems with jaw alignment and bone loss, and experience changes in facial appearance, especially around the lips and cheeks.

People missing multiple teeth should really consider a visit to a Boston cosmetic dentist. By visiting a skilled dental professional, these patents can get the help that they deserve. In many cases, people experiencing such dental health issues will benefit from getting dentures.

What are dentures?

Dentures are a set of replacement teeth for the upper row of teeth or the lower row of teeth. Dentures are held in place using the remaining gum tissue and jawbone structure. This hold is generally secure, though it can be improved through the use of denture creams/adhesives.

Who is an ideal candidate for dentures?

Ideal candidates for dentures are people who are missing many teeth and are not good candidates for dental bridges. If you experience any of the symptoms noted above, dentures may be a great option to consider. When you come to our Boston cosmetic and restorative dentistry center, we'll assess your situation in full and determine if dentures are best for you and what kind of dentures would be ideal. Below is a rundown of the different kinds of dentures available.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used to replace several missing teeth in a row. Sometimes dental bridges are used to address these sorts of issues, but only if there are enough remaining teeth adjacent to the gap to support the bridge.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are used to replace an entire upper row of teeth or lower row of teeth. This is ideal for major tooth loss since dental bridges will not be able to be supported at all in such matters.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are partial or full dentures that are secured by dental implants. Boston dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into a patient's jawbone and gum tissue. Implant-supported dentures provide the best possible support and bite strength since it's like having natural tooth roots in place.

The Best Option for My Needs

The best option for your needs really depends on your situation. Ideally patients are best served by the use of implant-supported dentures, though issues with soft tissue density and bone density may prevent patients from getting dental implants. Similarly, cost may be a deciding factor for treatment with some patients.

Learn More About Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about your options for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile, be sure to contact our Boston dental care practice today. During your visit, we will be able to answer all of your questions and address all of your concerns in full detail so that you can make the best-informed decision about your dental health.